Hedgehogs are called hedgehogs beacuse of their peculiar foraging methods. They root through hedges and undergrowth in search of small creatures that compose the bulk of their diet like insects, worms, centipeds, snails, mice, frogs and snakes.
Baby hedgehogs are called hoglets. Before the 1900's they were revered to as pups, urchins, kits or piglets the term urchins is still popular today.
It is illegal to have hedgehogs as pets in North America because of illness like mouth disease.
Thire are 17 species of hedgehogs they can be found in parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and were introduesed by settler to New zeland.
Hedgehogs are nocturnal creature and sleep during the day in bushes and shrubs before coming out to feed at night.
Hedgehogs have poor eye site but they exerlent scence of smell and great hearing.
Each hedgehog has over 5,000 spines-each of wich last a year.
Hedgehogs are know as the gardeners friend.
Europaes hedgehog is the biggest hedgehog.
Native hedgehogs are found in centeral america.
Hedgehogs have really long snots to help them hunt it is even ahead of thire mouth to help them forage.
The reason they roll into a ball is for protection.
Hedgehogs hibernat to save energy in the long, cold winter.
The brown colour help them camaflures in hibernaton.
In hibernaton hedgehogs survire on stored body fat