Acorrding to the norse sagas the kraken dwells off the coast of Norway and Greenland and terrorizes near by sailors.
Kraken can eat any sorts of fish but perfers crab-like things and has very special glands that can poision its prey.
Unless you are underwater kraken is not a threat.
When kraken attacks you see a host of tenticals.You can damage it's tenticals, and make it leave you alone by shooting it's tenticals with cannon balls.
Kraken never leaves water or even come close to land because of his cololsal size.
For thousands of years sailors have told tales of a giant squid [kraken] myth and in cinemas kraken was the most terrible sea monster.
To deafet kraken shoot his tenticals one by one and he will leave you alone.
A heather back is bigger then a kraken but the sea stream is the greatest monster.
Since the late 18th century Kraken has been called a giant octopus but sailors have said kraken is a giant squid so it's still kind of a mystery.