James Wheeler's Website



There are at least 305 spieces of rabbit.

If your rabbit is growling, swiping or thumping the ground it means thier angry.

If your rabbit is willing to come over with out temptation or force it trusts you.

Animals that hunt rabbits are foxes, wolves, cats, coyotes, wolverine, dogs, coyotes, dingos, lynxs, ferrets, weasles, badgers, stoats, raccons, bears, eagles, owls, hawks, crows, snakes, lizads.

Ten rabbit do's and dont's

Your rabbit can exercise in the garden just make sure it's rabbit friendly first.

You can also exercise them by entertaining them or even building them an obstacle course.

Rabbits do need a varity of food too keep them healthy as well as hay through the day, or they get very ill.

Rabbits are smart curious animals and if left alone too long, can get very bored.

Rabbit's sometimes feel scared when being handled so don't pick them up too much.

Rabbit's like too stretch out and lie down so if they touch the sides when doing so the pen is too small.

Rabbit's like a rabbit friend.The opposite gender works best.

Rabbits are fun pet's but need alot of looking after.

Rabbit's are not rodent's, but I think it's easier to call them that because they are like one because their small their a mammal and they alot like what rodent's are described as.

Rabbit's are herbivore's and as a pet thier diet should be 80% hay.

Rabbit's have became a popular pet being sold in a lot of stores.

In the wild rabbit would live in burrow's and sometimes go into a open field for a run about.

Rabbit's are born eyes closed and furless.

Rabbit's are succseful breeder's and can get pregnant 3 month's after they mated.

Baby rabbit's are called kitten's/bunny's, males are called buck's and females are called doe's.

When a rabbit is nervous they bow down.

Common rabbit's first came from Spain and North America.

Rabbit's,hare's and pika's come from a family called lagomorbh's.

Your rabbit is happy if they are lying down relaxed, jumping on all four's of the ground and if their calm, quiet and curious and if thier running around uncontrollably.

If your rabbit's grunting that mean's their angry.

When your rabbit's pushing a ball they are playing.