

there are around 1750 know scorpion.

There are around 75 different scorpion in North America.

Scorpions don't bite but there sting can be just as painfull.

There sensetive hairs act like radars for food.

Fun Facts

Life span-3-5 years.

Longest 8inchs.

Impearal scorpion tropics and savana.

Common eurapen scorpion scrublands.

Chilean scorpion temparent forest.

African rock scorpion beetween rocks and cracks in scrubland.

More Facts

They dance before they mate.

Scorpions are not insects there actully arachnida same as spiders making them cousions.

If you think have radar hair is cool imagine having hair that that spots you from sinking scorpions don't have to beacuse they have hair that dose that.

Most common in america is the striped tailed scorpion.

Lagest scorpion in america giant hairy scorpion.

Most dangerous scorpion in the usa is the bark scorpion.

Scorpions attack head on and if need sting

There are cousions to spiders,mites and ticks.

Scorpions have eight legs and pincer.

They're 0.09cm to 20cm china has a traditional feast of fried scorpion and scorpion wine features in medicine.

Scorpions mout 7 times before there are adults and are vunrable intill there exoskeleton is full hardens.

Scorpion can swim but don't natural but special organs in there body allow them to stay in water for 48 hours[two days] unharmed.