The beluga whale is white as an adult but babys are a dark grey or grey pink.
Srem whales is the biggest toothed whale.
The killer whale is not a whale!It is the biggest kind of dolphin.
The bule whale is the laggest whale ever and weigh the same as 24 elephants.
Ancent greeks thought whales were sea monsters.
James bartley was swalled by a sperm whale and days later was found alive in the dead sprem whale how died of constipation
Once a whale dieds its boby falls to the bottom of the ocean and other fish and sea creatures eat the left over meat and then all thats left is the carcass and that slowly rotts away.
The bule whale is the laggest whale ever.
The bule whale may be colossol but it eats small marine life.
Whales do fart yes as unbelive able as it seems whales do indeed fart
In late autumn whales migrate be have a baby in warm tropical water.
Whales make sure no creatures get to near there young.
Whales swim upwards into a swam of fish with there mouth open to eat lods of fish at a time.