In 753 bc rome was founded by a man named Romulus after Rome grew into a rich and powerful city during the next few hundred years.
In roman mythology Romulus and his brother Remus were abandoned as babys and adopted by a pack of wolves.
Romulus fought and killed Remus and became the first ruler of Rome.
In roman school roman girls had to be home schooled, but only wealthy boy's got educated.
Roman boys wore short or no-sleeved tunic and women wore long-sleeved tunic.
Rome grew into a rich and powerful city during the next few hundred years.
Roman's created democracy.
Roman money was called aureus.
Roman's mainly ate bread.
Roman gladiators ate sprouted barley.
One of the most famous buildings left by the Ancient Romans is the Colosseum – a huge ampitheatre in the centre of Rome. This is where members of the public would come to watch sporting events and games, including battles between Roman gladiators!
The roman empire use to own all of italy most of the land around the Mediterranean,England and Whales.
The romans were amazing engineers.
Romans built water systems to bring water to the people of Rome.
The romans also created alot of things one of them was dog collars.
Romans had cats as pets some brought them to stop mices invading thier home.
Romans believed in gods, unlike the egyption god's these were all people and didn't have a animal head.
Ancient romans enjoyed watching gladiators fight in the areana.
Jupiter was the king of the god's and was a god himself.
Alot of rich roman brought slaves to work for them, some brought slaves to show off thier wealth.
A good education was seen as a satus symbol, not a way to get a good job.
The Roman education system was largely based on the Ancient Greek system, which the Romans admired.
Children aged 11 and 12 went to school, although the classroom was often just a room in a house or shop. The subjects taught were reading, writing and basic mathematics.
Children did not need to have a minimum level of education and much Roman education was to prepare them for real life.
Early forms of the Roman religion were animistic in nature, believing that spirits inhabited everything around them, people included.
Some kings like Lucius were not very popular and sometimes cruel to people.
Women were accorded an important place in ancient Roman society. They enjoyed and shared almost equal rights with Roman men and were provided similar opportunities to excel in education, business and trade.
In ancient Rome, the cloth and the dress distinguished one class of people from the other class.
Since the beginning of the Republic until 200 BC, ancient Romans had very simple food habits.
Ancient roman began as a tiny village along the Tiber River.
Rome lies to the west of the Apennine Mountains that forms a sort of shield meaning enemies from thst side vhave a hard time invading.
Gladiators didn't just fight people sometimes they fought animal's like lion's and bear's.
Romans created moden day calendars.
The Romans did not embrace Christianity until after the period when they were in Caledonia. Rather than one god, they believed in many, each of which they would pray to and offer gifts or sacrifices for a specific purpose.
Romans didn't use cutlery.
Roman religion was centred around gods and explanations for events usually involved the gods in some way or another. The Romans believed that gods controlled their lives and, as a result, spent a great deal of their time worshipping them.
Roman religion absorbed many of the gods and cults of conquered nations, but the primary influence would always remain Greece. With only a few exceptions, most of the Roman gods had their Greek counterparts.
The Romans liked to enjoy their food, often lying down on a couch while eating with their hands. They occasionally used a spoon, but they would never use a knife and fork.
The roman's sometimes ate stork, parrot, doormouse and flamingo.
The Romans built such a huge empire and conquered new lands, thanks to their strong army. The Roman army could march up to 40km a day!
During battle, a Roman soldier or ‘legionary’ first hurled his spear at the enemy, then he fought him with his sword. To protect himself, he carried a wooden shield and wore a metal helmet and armour.
The Romans didn’t spend all their time fighting – they were amazing architects and engineers too! They built roads and walls – things we now take for granted.
During battle, a Roman soldier or ‘legionary’ first hurled his spear at the enemy, then he fought him with his sword. To protect himself, he carried a wooden shield and wore a metal helmet and armour.
Only men over the age of twenty could become a soldier and join one of the legions of the Roman Army.
All regular Roman soldiers (legionaries) were Roman citizens, but this didn’t mean that they had to live in Rome. Soldiers came from all over the Roman Empire, from places such as: Africa, Spain, Germany, Britain and France.
Non-Roman citizens were still able to fight for Rome as auxiliaries. However, auxiliary troops did not earn as much as the legionaries and they didn’t have such high-quality armour, weapons and equipment.
Roman soldiers had to serve in the army for twenty-five years before they were permitted to retire. They received a pension or a gift of land when they left the army.
Roman legionaries were not allowed to get married.
Roman soldiers were able to march more then twenty miles a day wearing full armour and carrying weapons and equipment.
They were trained to swim, build bridges, set up camp and fight as a unit.
Roman soldiers were famous for their discipline in battle. They always followed orders and knew that if an army of soldiers worked together they would often be successful. In battle, the Romans fought in lines and formations.
Some soldiers were specifically trained to fulfill certain roles. Some were expert archers, some were trained to use giant catapults (onagers) or large crossbows called ballistas, and some were trained to fight on horseback.
Greece is only 50 miles across the Adriatic, and Africa is only 100 miles from the west coast of the island of Sicily. Later, their position made it easier for Rome to eventually conquer and gain new territories.
Romans believed that education was very important and all children were taught to read and write. Children were taught through fear of being beaten if they got something wrong.
Gladiators were both professional and amateur fighters. They fought to entertain Roman citizens.