In the beginning of the stone age people were always moving to catch their prey with spears made of stone.
In the bronze age people had stayed in villages because people discovered farming and the abilaty to harvest with bronze tools. Bronze was a combination of copper and tin.
In the iron age people had more than one house. One for living in and one to store food in after being farmed. Iron is mined and later smelted to be made into a spear head,axe head or a harrpon.
Stone age houses had thatched roofs. Tents used animal skin aka leather for walls and had no doors, windows or chimney.
On the right you can see a stone age round house.
Bronze age houses had thatched and turfed roofs. Wood filled with wattle for walls. And like the stone age they had no doors, windows or chimneys. But they did have more space.
Iron age had thatched roofs. They used wattle and daub or mud for a wall. And had no doors, windows, or chimney. They had more space and even space for an oven.
Stone henge was completed in the bronze age but no one is sure of its purpose.
The stone, bronze and iron age had completely different houses compared to what we have today.
After the stone age people made more clothes to provide warmth throughout the winter.
Bronze and iron were also traded for clothes and jewels, and other things around at the time. A piece of jewellery is shown below to the right.
The bronze age lasted for 1,500 years.
People first discovered iron in 800BC.
The stone age began when the first human like creatures appeared on the planet.
Stone age people travelled by boat to follow the food.
People discovered bronze and iron at different times. Britan discovered bronze 2,100bc and iron 800bc.
The bronze age began at the time people first discovered bronze.
In the stone age people wore little clothing. Male's wore a leather belt and female's wore a leather tunic.
In the bronze age alot more clothes had been introduced like tops, skirts, trousers and ponchos.
In the iron age people wore woven clothes, often made of animal fur.
In the stone age people wore necklaces made from teeth or bones from the animals they had killed.
In the bronze age people used amber and jewels as decorations for their necklaces.
In the iron age people wore stone and iron necklaces and some people had more than one necklace.
In britan a key event was when the very first people travelled to what is today called Great Britan. The earliest humans started to live there 15,000 bc.
At the beginning of the bronze age people took a huge step, when they combined copper and tin. This marked the beginning of a new age The Bronze age.
In the iron age it ended when the romans invaded britan 43bc. Which ended the 3 stages (stone, bronze and iron age).
3,000 bc The construction of stonehenge.
2,500-1,500 bc The bell breaker culture arrives in britan.
2,500-800 bc Bronze axes are developed.
2,500-800 bc Meatal work becomes increasingly safisticated.
1,800 bc the First big copper mines are dug.
1,200-800 bc Tribal kingdoms and celtic cultures develop in britan.
1,200-800 bc Round houses are the main domestic structure.
800 bc bronze age ends.Iron age begings.
In the stone age weapons were axes, spears and daggers.
In the bronze age people also had wheat cutters. But to make the bronze they need, a smelting pot, and a shaper to shape the bronze into axe heads, spear heads and harpoon heads.
In the iron age they had iron gear like wheat cutters, axe heads, spear heads and attached them to a stick to make the tool.
In the bronze age people made clay pottery like vases and jars.
In the bronze age the bell beaker people made bronze vases and travelled places to trade them off to other people.
In the iron age people used clay mostly, but somtimes they used their iron to make them.
To the right you can see a piece of bronze age pottery.
In the stone age people carved boats out of a tree and used them to travel across bobies of water.
In the mesolithic (last of the 3 stone age periods) people live togther in small house in a small village and hunted together.
Iron age celtic spears were very powerful weapons that could be used like a mally weapon and a long distance weapon.One spear is shown below
Iron starts of as an ore in a cave then it is mined and any remaning stone is chipped away, and finally it's smelted and shaped in to whatever is needed.
in the stone age food was limited to meat and berries like nuts, sun flower seeds and natural growning things.
Stone age people lived in groups called tribes.
Stone age people made paintings in caves called cave paintings.
In the iron age celtic tribes had fromed and they travelled to multiple village and had destroyed them.
In the stone age people would make a piont on a stone and then use them as weapons.